PEOPLE FIRST is a non-profit organization providing safe and decent housing to homeless individuals and families
Safe & Decent
Help meet the needs of lower income individuals and families as partners
Create a more just and compassionate society by offering people an opportunity to achieve independence.
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People First!
1841 Burlington-Mt. Holly Rd
Westampton NJ 08060-1069 us
Brief History
The Affordable Homes Group (AHG) began in 1986 as The Salt and Light Company, Inc., a faith-based ministry with roots in the Christian tradition to serve the needs of both the homeless and lower income families by providing decent housing with the necessary supportive services which address a variety of personal issues many “at risk” people face when seeking self-sufficiency and independence.
Our first residence was established for homeless families in 1987. It helped us address the special needs of single women and children. This became the base for developing what has become a comprehensive program to meet the emergency housing needs of families, single adults and people with special needs.
Our housing program provides education in areas of finance and budgeting, life-skills training, personal one-on-one counseling, food and nutrition, assistance in obtaining employment and housing, transportation, referral to other social service programs and crisis intervention. Our present staff who oversee our continuum of housing programs support and serve more than eighty residential units that we operate.
We are concerned that there is not an adequate supply of permanent housing for our residents or other persons in need of decent, affordable housing opportunities.
Our commitment to help individuals and families work through a time of crisis to achieve stability and a promise of a self-sufficient future is constantly frustrated by a lack of suitable places for our residents to move. Our program has become a continuum of housing options from emergency short-term placement, transitional housing and supportive housing through affordable permanent housing either in rental or home ownership.
The linkage of housing options in a continuum of care is critical to providing effective supportive services which assist people in recovering their dignity and independence.
Since our beginning, we have housed more than 10,000 people from 6,000 unduplicated family units. The number of single individuals and families not eligible for government benefits is on the rise. Now more than ever, agencies like ours need community support in order to serve this most vulnerable population.
Emergency Shelter: we provide short term emergency shelter with intensive case management services to homeless individuals and families by means of agency and self-referral.
Transitional Housing: we provide temporary housing and appropriate supportive services to homeless persons to facilitate movement to independent living within 6 - 24 months.
Supportive Housing: we provide supportive rental housing to individuals and families who suffer from chronic homelessness as well as a disability which requires supportive services to maintain housing stability.
Veteran Housing Choice Voucher Program: military individuals and families may qualify for this section 8 voucher housing program for honorably discharged homeless veterans.
Case Management and Supportive Services consist of:
Life skills, money management, budgeting, cleaning, grooming/hygiene, consumer awareness, community support
Referral to medical and psychological services
Referral to treatment programs for chemical addiction and mental health needs
Case management, individual/group counseling, crisis prevention/Intervention
Vocational assessment, career counseling, job training, transportation.
Skill set:
Person Centered Approach
Trauma Informed Care
Resident self - determination
Gently used linens, blankets, comforters and towels
Dishes, utensils, pots and pans, toasters and microwaves
Diapers and sanitary products
Monetary Donations
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